We believe worship is at the heart of the Christian life. As a community of believers, we gather each week to give thanks for what God's doing in our lives and world, and to hear again and again the fresh message of God's love for us. Fed in worship, we are sent out to share the good news of God's love in our daily lives.
At St. Peter Lutheran Church, we have two services each weekend. You are welcome at either service. All our worship services includes the same basic elements of hearing God's word proclaimed through Scripture and sermon, responding to God in music, and praying for our neighbors and the whole world.
Current Worship Schedule:
Sunday Worship at 9 am and 11 am. Sunday School for kids begins at 9:45.
You are invited to join us at any service to worship our Lord!
At St. Peter Lutheran Church, we have two services each weekend. You are welcome at either service. All our worship services includes the same basic elements of hearing God's word proclaimed through Scripture and sermon, responding to God in music, and praying for our neighbors and the whole world.
Current Worship Schedule:
Sunday Worship at 9 am and 11 am. Sunday School for kids begins at 9:45.
You are invited to join us at any service to worship our Lord!
9 am Sunday Morning ServiceOn Sundays at 9:00 am, we gather in the sanctuary for worship. This service follows the basic Lutheran worship order of Gathering, Word, Meal, Sending. Worship includes music from the Lutheran Book of Worship (green hymnal) and more modern praise songs, accompanied by the organ, piano, or guitar. We celebrate Holy Communion weekly, and this service lasts about an hour.
11 am Sunday Morning ServiceOn Sundays at 11 am, we gather in the fellowship hall. The pattern for this service comes out of the Lutheran Book of Worship, as we begin with an evening prayer litany. This service usually features two or three hymns accompanied by piano, one or two Scripture readings, a sermon, prayers, and communion. Generally, Saturday services last around 30-45 minutes.
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