Worship Servants

As Christians, we are called to gather each week to intentionally encounter God in worship. In fact, Lutherans define "church" as "the assemby of saints in which the gospel is purely preached and the holy sacraments are administered according to the gospel." The church exists as a worshiping body!
Worship is not a spectator sport; it's something we all do, together. When you come to worship, you're an active participant as we praise God and hear the Gospel message proclaimed.
Worship servant schedules can also be found in the newsletter each month, in the bulletin for the next weekend, and are mailed quarterly to everyone scheduled.
We gather twice per weekend as a congregation for worship. How does this happen? Well, that's where worship servants come in. There are many ways you can get involved in helping to lead worship!
Worship is not a spectator sport; it's something we all do, together. When you come to worship, you're an active participant as we praise God and hear the Gospel message proclaimed.
Worship servant schedules can also be found in the newsletter each month, in the bulletin for the next weekend, and are mailed quarterly to everyone scheduled.
We gather twice per weekend as a congregation for worship. How does this happen? Well, that's where worship servants come in. There are many ways you can get involved in helping to lead worship!
Worship Servant Roles
Altar Guild - Altar guild servants are the behind-the-scenes people who arrange the worship space, set up and clean up communion, and take care of the linens.
Children's Messages - Do you have a passion for interpreting God's Word for young children? Can you make the Bible come alive in fresh, understanding language? Consider giving a children's message in worship!
Lectors - Lectors, also known as readers, share God's Word with the congregation by reading the appointed lessons for the day out loud in front of the congregation.
Musicians - Do you play an instrument? Sing? Consider sharing your talents in worship through special music, through the praise service music team, or even as an accompanist.
Refreshments - Food and fellowship is part of worship too! We need people each week to provide tasty treats and make coffee for fellowship time on Sundays between worship services.
Ushers - Ushers help facilitate worship by greeting people as they come in, distributing bulletins, collecting the offering, and guiding the communion process.
These are just a few of the many ways you can help lead and facilitate worship. What else can you come up with? What about writing prayers? Sharing other artistic talents? Share your ideas with Pastor!
Children's Messages - Do you have a passion for interpreting God's Word for young children? Can you make the Bible come alive in fresh, understanding language? Consider giving a children's message in worship!
Lectors - Lectors, also known as readers, share God's Word with the congregation by reading the appointed lessons for the day out loud in front of the congregation.
Musicians - Do you play an instrument? Sing? Consider sharing your talents in worship through special music, through the praise service music team, or even as an accompanist.
Refreshments - Food and fellowship is part of worship too! We need people each week to provide tasty treats and make coffee for fellowship time on Sundays between worship services.
Ushers - Ushers help facilitate worship by greeting people as they come in, distributing bulletins, collecting the offering, and guiding the communion process.
These are just a few of the many ways you can help lead and facilitate worship. What else can you come up with? What about writing prayers? Sharing other artistic talents? Share your ideas with Pastor!